Friday, February 25, 2011

Doing, doing, doing...

I don't know about you, but I always seem to have a number of tasks on the go, and several more in potentia - waiting for time, money, inspiration, a deadline or, possibly, a sign from God.

What's the best possible thing I could be doing at any given minute? And best for whom?

Obvious good or bad choices are easy: an apple or a chocolate bar? Perjury or the truth? Katy Perry or Katie Noonan? Choosing between two desirable and 'good' options is a lot harder.

I'm lucky or blessed or situationally advantaged or ornery (depending on your point of view) to have these choices. Knowing that doesn't make the choosing easier.

Sleep or exercise? All bran or chia? Socializing with friend A or B? Bach or Joplin? Gardening or house maintenance? Or chuck the lot and enjoy some dreaming and thinking time?

No matter what I choose, I'm always vaguely missing out and disappointing my own expectations. Which keeps me stuck on the doing treadmill, turning it faster and ever faster...

Or is that just me on a bad day?

Anyway, I've decided that meditation is probably the best thing I can do next.

Sent from my iPhone

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