In old maps unknown lands were terra incognita. Which is where I find myself, now that my latest challenge has concluded. Naturally, the new challenge is the challenge-free challenge. Which may be oxymoronic on a number of levels.
Most of us think we're more internally motivated than is actually the case. Humans are social animals, susceptible to shaming or embarrasment. We eat, sleep, evacuate, and mate (whenever possible) to fulfill our biological imperatives. For most of us, that means some degree of intellectual or manual labour. We get up, go to work, and do what's required to ensure our pay packet. Our time is not wholly our own.
What's left over we can dedicate to leisure and art. Leisure usually involves some form of social life, both for our own satisfaction, and because humans are social animals and that's just how we do it.
There are very few things we do solely for and by ourself. Our collective guilt about spending money frivolously is demonstrated by tag-lines such as 'because I'm worth it'. The only commodity in shorter supply than money, is time. Writing takes time.
The satisfaction and the momentum of writing has to come almost entirely from within, and yet it takes up precious and scarce resources. I don't know for sure if I'll keep it up, and I'm not going to promise because I don't want it to become a penitential activity. I don't respond well to mortification of the flesh or spirit. So we really are in terra incognita. We'll just have to see what happens next.
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