Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Agent Provocateur

If you ask the questions you're not supposed to ask, you are probably an agent provocateur. By my definition, anyway.

What are the questions you're not supposed to ask?

Is there really a profit in giving the customer this gizmo they keep asking for?

Does anybody read these?

What will you do with this report if I give it to you?

Do we really need a meeting? Wouldn't it be more efficient if we circulated drafts? If we have a meeting do we need to give people chairs?

Why do you do it like that? What other ways have you tried?

Do we have to be boring?

You may not always be greeted with applause if you ate an Agent Provocateur, but if you gently, politely and good-humouredly persist, you will make some change(s) for the better.

This is post 99 of 100 posts in 100 days.
Sent from my iPhone

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