Thursday, October 14, 2010

A rose by any other name?

From time to time I'm asked about my blog title.

Just recently I was introduced to a colleague of a colleague who said, "Oh, you're the one with the interestingly" - here he quizzically lifted his eyebrows - "named blog". Oh dear.

Others say, "You know, you're not that opinionated, and you never write about childlessness..."

So here it is, the origin of 'An Opinionated Childless Woman'.

One day I'm going to write a book about parenting. Yep, it's all kinds of hubris, I know. In the spirit of spinning a bug into a feature, I figure I'll get the issue front and centre. You'll either laugh at the title: How to Enjoy Your Children More by an Opinionated Childless Woman, or you'll be offended and won't read it. Either way you'll know what you're getting yourself into.

1 comment:

Ellen Walker said...

Great thought on writing a book about the joys of parenting that those of us who don't have kids do not have to experience. Such as when the grown children come to visit for a holiday, sleep until noon, eat everything in the house, don't clean up after themselves, never say thanks, and refuse to have an adult conversation about anything personal that's going on in their lives. Check out my site, I'm publishing a book, Complete without kids. An insider's guide to childfree living by choice or by chance.
Cheers! Ellen L. Walker, PhD