Sunday, June 13, 2010

Passion + Purpose - Vision = Dis-traction

Today while I was committing a neatness, I came across an old notebook filled with quotes and observations, among them:
Do something useful Sarah's purpose said.
Be something remarkable Sarah's vision said.
Sarah's passion didn't care which master it was serving.
Michael Gerber, E-Myth Mastery, p.56
I am all-too-familiar with the results of passion slaved full throttle to purpose. Some of us have so much passion, we don't need a vision to give us impetus. The results tend to resemble what happens when you climb a ladder to get over something, only to discover you've leaned it against the wrong wall. But that's ok! There's always another wall! And this wall was pretty interesting, and actually I intended to climb it, yes, I wanted to get a - a better perspective on the other wall. This wall's probably a better wall too! I'll find that other wall later... don't bother me now, can't you see I'm busy climbing this ladder? Er... right.

So take a deep breath and ask yourself why. Why - ultimately - you're doing any given task, and if it is a step that will get you from here to the where you want to be going.

This is post 39 of 100 posts in 100 days.

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