Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kids tell the truth - as they see it

Kids tell the truth - as they see it. It may be a mistake reading adult meanings into that truth.

What do I mean? An acquaintance told me today that her six year old was giving her a lovely cuddle recently, when he said, "Fat is an easy word to spell, isn't it?"

I was once asked by a four year old student if I had a baby in my tummy, as it was a very big tummy. I blinked a couple of times and said, "No sweetheart, that's just lots of good dinners." At intervals in the next few minutes, other class members joined in and helpfully pointed out other places I could have a baby. When they were done, there was a short silence. The little girl who started it said, "Well, I could sit on your lap and you could put your sweater over me and I could be your baby..."

I thought their issue was my fat, but really they were worried about me not having a baby. Or they were very, very tactful and socially aware four year olds. You choose.

This is post 34 of 100 posts in 100 days.

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