Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Time flies

So, I'm more than 1/4 of the way through this challenge. I meant to make a big deal out of 25 posts, but time flies when you're having fun and I missed it.

Four weeks ago today, I just decided to extract the digit, get my skates on and Just Do It. I guess I'll celebrate that milestone instead.

There are varying ideas of how long you have to do something for it to become a habit. Some experts say two weeks. Others say a couple of months. From my own experience, the past couple of days are in the 'dangerous complacency' phase.

I've used up the emergency stash of short posts I had on hand for when inspiration failed. Haven't yet come up with more.

I no longer have the urgency to post as soon as I come home so I don't forget - I'm confident I won't forget. Over-confident, in fact: last night I was getting into bed when I remembered I hadn't posted!

Four weeks is a long time even though it's really no time at all. As a music teacher, I found dailyness could become the enemy. Familiarity does seem to breed contempt, at least it can turn something joyful and special into same-old same-old. You would think a positive experience would get richer with each iteration - and it can, if we let it.

Little rituals can keep us alive to what is happening each day. That's one of the ways the 100 days challenge is working for me. Because time flies fastest when we're not paying enough attention.

This is post 28 of 100 posts

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