Friday, May 21, 2010

It shouldn't happen to a dog.

Do you treat the dog* better than you treat yourself?

I was inspired to ask this by a recent stint of dog-sitting. It's both a big honour and a big responsibility to care for someone's pet. This dog is the apple of its owners' eyes, and a bit delicate to boot, so I was determined not to have it die on my watch.

During the month the dog was with us we religiously walked the dog every day, often twice a day - occasionally thrice. A dog who is not walked or otherwise entertained is either very sad or demanding of human company and gets into mischief. So it was in my interest (and that of my furniture) to consider the dog's needs.

The dog must be fed regularly. It's up to the humans to make sure the dog gets enough-but-not-too-much food. You have to give them fresh water every day.

As the dog is away from its loved ones, you have to keep it company. You have to play games with it, and pat it occasionally. You have to brush its coat to keep it free of burrs. You have to keep an eye on its behaviour and its eating and elimination so you know when its sick. Then you have to take it to the vet - or indeed the animal emergency hospital if it gets sick in the middle of the night.

Mr O‡ argues that I'm not fooling anyone, I took care of the dog for its own sake, because it was a living creature and relied on us to meet its needs. (He may even have said something soppy about that being one of the reasons he loves me. Men can be sentimental about women's nurturing instincts.)

One day, someone wise said to me: "You care for the d*** dog a lot better than you care for yourself, it seems to me." I wanted to deny it, but... well... I couldn't. Its true.

Logically I am just as deserving as a dog of a bit of consideration when it comes to basic needs, but that's not what I do. Another gap between intention and strategy. Really, it shouldn't happen to a dog.

* or cat, horse, rabbit, guinea pig, small child, parrot, budgerigar, elderly parent or goldfish, if you prefer.
Mr Opinionatedchildlesswoman

This is post 16 of 100 posts in 100 days.

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